Mānuka Honey - In the news this Winter

As we head into the winter months several UK newspapers and magazines have been talking about the benefits of Mānuka Honey and recommending our Manuka Doctor certified MGO range to readers.

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New Zealand Honey

Firstly The Independent (UK) included our 70 MGO strength honey in their Top 10 Honey List, reminding readers that "it’s important to check the credentials of the Mānuka Honey you buy as only products from New Zealand will contain the genuine article." After reviewing all 10 honeys, the journalist concluded that "if you want a honey to ward off a cold, then we'd go for the highest grade Mānuka Honey you can find."

Next, monthly UK health magazine Fit and Well recommended this same product under the headline "Cure that cold" their piece quoted Public Health England advice that "honey should be used first for a cough and cold instead of visiting our GP." Also going onto mentioning that newly pregnant Royal Meghan Markle is "said to enjoy Manuka honey on her oats for breakfast, so it must be good!"

"The honey is very smooth and tastes so much better than any other honey I have tried. I have digestive issues and Manuka honey definitely helps it also keeps colds away."
Lisa B, online customer review*

And finally, the Scotland on Sunday newspaper ran a well researched piece titled "No wonder there’s a buzz about Manuka honey", which interviewed several experts in the field of bee research, including Manuka Doctor’s own Dr Young Mee, based in our New Zealand HQ.

So, if you are looking to buy Mānuka Honey this winter make sure that it is certified by the New Zealand government, has an independently tested MGO rating and is packed in New Zealand.

*The independent opinions expressed by our customers within the online product reviews are not necessarily representative of Manuka Doctor's views.

Read more: Is prevention better than cure: Manuka Honey, immune system and more

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825 MGO Manuka Honey 8.75 oz
Mānuka honey
825 MGO Manuka Honey 8.75 oz
